chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Well not today, of course. Its against the law
But anciently, some tribes did do this but it was not because of romance or s--. For example, among ancient Lakota people, this usually happened only among old people. And the whole village has to be ok with it.
To explain more, I have to explain to you the structure of the village. In those ancient times, we lived in a group called a "tiospaye". This word comes from two words "ti", which means "to live" and "ospaye" which is like a group that has something in common. Most of the group will be relatives, though.
And this is how a tiospaye is:
Your mother and her sisters are all mothers to you. And the husbands of these women are all your fathers. And all the children from these marriages are your brothers and sisters.
Your mother's brothers are your uncles, and their wives are your aunts. And the children from these marriages are your cousins.
And on your father's side, it goes like this:
Your father and his brothers are your other fathers, and their wives are your other mothers. And the children from these marriages are your other brothers and sisters.
Your father's sisters are your other Aunts, and their husbands are your other Uncles. And the children from these marriages are your other cousins.
And when people addressed each other, they called each other by a kinship term. They didnt address each other with names. So you would call your cousin "cousin", instead of using his/her name. You see what I mean?
And all your mothers and fathers are just as important to you as the ones who you were born to. So it is like the whole community raises you. And that means any of these mothers and fathers can discipline you, too, when do you something crazy. But they all love you, too. And if your birth mother and birth father both happen to die, you are not an orphan because you have a lot of other mothers and fathers who will take care of you and love you already
Ok that is basically a tiospaye extended family system. And sometimes there were exceptions. Like for example, an Aunt might be more of a mother to you, so instead of calling her "Aunt", you would call her "mother". In Lakota culture and spirituality, there are always exceptions to the rules because we are not a dogmatic people.
Ok sometimes when a man died, this woman would go to live with one of her sisters. And if her sister is married, the sister's husband will take care of this woman, whose husband died. This is not about romance. He is just taking care of her to make sure she has food to eat and a place to live. And remember what I wrote earlier, that children are raised by all their mothers and fathers in this tiospaye system. So if this woman (whose husband died) has children, they are still raised by all their mothers and fathers.
So usually it was really old men who had several "wives", but this was not about S-- or romance. And the wives were usually sisters. This was the way it used to be. But of course, as I said earlier, there were exceptions with these rules, too. For example, if a woman could not have a baby, then her sister might become the second wife and have children for this man. And in the tiospaye system, both sisters will be mothers to those children. So the focus was not on sex, but on family.
And one very important thing to know is that only the older men were allowed to do this. So if a young man tried to do this, he would be considered not a good man because everyone knows he is doing this for s----l reasons.
Also something very important, is that in ancient times, Lakota people had a community thinking perspective. They did everything for the people, so that the people may live. So selfishness was very rare. Little children saw this community way of thinking and they became the same way. So when you saw an older man with more than one wife, you knew it was not necessarily about S-- or romance. And it was nothing to get shocked at.
But today, in the modern western world, people think differently.
For example, in ancient Lakota times, a boy was raised to respect women. So he treated his sisters, mothers and grandmothers with great respect. And this meant he treated all women with respect. So when he was courting a woman, he would show her to her that he is a good man, that he is a good hunter and would be a good father and loyal husband.
But today, most Indian guys are not like this. Intead most Indian guys are just like guys from the western modern world. They might have long hair, but they will say things to women on this site like, "Hey baby, how come you are just showing your face? Send me more photos of your legs. Show me your sexiness!" This is not how a REAL man talks. This is the way an idiot and coward talks.
And the same goes for women. In ancient times, women respected themselves. They didnt have to show their off their body parts, they were looking for men who would be good providers. But today, you see photos of women showing cleavage, really tight pants and short short dresses. It shows they do not respect their bodies.
Both the men and women knew that if they wanted a good partner, they have to be good, too. And that means, not only looking nicely, but being a nice person with compassion for all.
But today, people are more selfish. Todays indians are not like the ancient times. Instead, they only focus on physical appearance. And they only want s--. They see women as toys. This is sad, because that shows they do not respect their own mothers, daughters and grandmothers.
When you respect your female relatives, you will naturally respect all other women. So when a man says "Show me your sexy photos", that shows he does not respect any women, including his mother and daughters, and grandmothers.
As I said earlier, in ancient times, men respected women more, which means they also respected themselves. So that means when todays Indians do not respect women and only see them as S-- toys, that also means they do not respect themselves either.
So in ancient times, it was only older and wiser men who were allowed to have more than one wife, and it was not about S-- or romance. And they still showed respect to all women. This might be difficult to understand, because you have to understand the ancient community way of thinking first. So the way it was done in ancient times is NOT the same way that modern polygamists are.
Do you know what I mean?
But other tribes may have done this differently, because we are not all the same.
 chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`It's against American law. But like I said, the Native perspective before Europeans came to North America was different that it is today.
And please remember that some Native nations are different, so in another Native tribe, they might take several wives for s----l reasons. But in the ancient Lakota way, it was not like that.
But you have to remember that it was not a perfect world back in those days, either. And there were some men who tried to break that rule. And when they did break that rule, they were considered cowards and not real men. For example, the well known Lakota chief named Crazy Horse had a father who was such a foolish man.
The father of Crazy Horse was mean to Crazy Horse's mother, and he was lazy, too. He did not go hunting and he was selfish. Well one day, the father left with his cousin. They said they were going hunting, but when he came back a few days later, he had a new woman. And he brought her into the tipi, and he told his first wife, "This is my second wife, you be her friend!" And the first wife ran out.
IN Lakota custom, there are some things you have to know. The tipi belongs to the wife. She is the Queen. She is the LAW in the home. If the wife tells you to do something, you better do it. So you can see that the father of Crazy Horse was incredibly disrespectful to his first wife (who was Crazy Horse's mother), especially when he brought in this second wife.
Like I said above in my earlier post, everyone in the village has to approve of this, and it was only older men of wisdom who did this. And it was not for s--. But Crazy Horse's father was NOT old and he was definitely NOT wise. He was selfish and a coward, and he never got the required approval from everyone, and he never asked his first wife about this either. This is why the people considered him weak, because he could not live up to Lakota standards of being an honorable man. He was considered less than a man.
And in South America, there is a tribe that really has a strange custom. I studied Antropology and Music in university so this is how I learned about this custom. In this South American indian tribe, when a man goes to another village to visit his friend or relative, the wife of the host must spend the night with the visitor.
That is STRANGE! But we have to remember that they see life in a different perspective. So even though it looks sickening to us, it is not for us to judge their culture by our cultural standards because that would ethnocentrism, which is disrespectful. This is why I said it is a "strange" custom. I did not say "bad"